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Posted December 21, 2020

Tech Talk: How to Become an Appium Desktop Ninja, Chapter 6

In the final installment of this Tech Talk Series, Wim Selles helps you discover many hidden features of Appium Desktop that will help you take your mobile test automation efforts to the next level.


Welcome to the final chapter of our six-part series. You are now just one step away from becoming an official Appium Desktop Ninja!

If you followed us through this entire Tech Talk series, you should now be able to:

  • Understand how Appium works and what to automate with it

  • Understand the drivers that Appium Desktop uses

  • Configure an Android emulator and an iOS simulator

  • Set up Appium Desktop on your local machine

  • Use different Appium versions with Appium Desktop

  • Connect Appium desktop to a cloud service 

In the sixth chapter, Wim Selles, Senior Solutions Architect at Sauce Labs, helps you discover many hidden features of Appium Desktop that will enable you to advance your knowledge and take your mobile test automation efforts to the next level.

If you missed out on any of the earlier chapters- here are all the links you need.

Ashwini Sathe
Sr. Group Product Marketing Manager
Dec 21, 2020
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