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Posted December 3, 2020

Tech Talk: How to Become an Appium Desktop Ninja, Chapter 2

In the second of his six-part Tech Talk series on becoming an Appium Desktop ninja, Wim Selles will teach you how to configure an Android emulator or an iOS simulator on your local machine.


This week we kicked off a new Sauce Labs tech talk series, How to become an Appium Desktop Ninja, presented by Wim Selles, Senior Solutions Architect. In Chapter 1, we looked at the theory and background of Appium, learned about the different types of apps you can automate with it, and dove deep into how Appium works to provide you with all the foundational knowledge you need to get started. 

In this second chapter, you will learn how to configure an Android emulator or an iOS simulator on your local machine. Wim will review the prerequisites to set up Android emulators and iOS simulators, walk you through the different environment variables, and demonstrate specific tips for the configuring process in an interactive live demo session.

Ready for the next steps? Check out the rest of the series:

Ashwini Sathe
Sr. Group Product Marketing Manager
Dec 3, 2020
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