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Posted December 21, 2020

Tech Talk: How to Become an Appium Desktop Ninja, Chapter 5

In the fifth chapter of our Tech Talk series, Wim Selles, Senior Solutions Architect at Sauce Labs, demonstrates how you can connect your Appium Desktop to cloud services like Sauce Labs.


In this Tech Talk, you will learn how to set up your testing environment by uploading your Android or iOS app to the Sauce Labs cloud. You’ll then go through the specific steps to connect an Appium Desktop session to Sauce Labs with an Android emulator, an iOS simulator, as well as Android and iOS real devices. 

Wim will show you how to inspect elements, how to interact with an emulator/ simulator on the Sauce Labs cloud by taking over control, and how to save configurations so you can get up and running faster for future sessions.

Stay tuned for the final video as we wrap this series!

Don't miss a step... catch up on the rest of the series here:

Ashwini Sathe
Sr. Group Product Marketing Manager
Dec 21, 2020
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