February 2023 Product Updates & News
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Posted February 24, 2023

February 2023 Product Updates & News

Learn about our new brand identity, migrating to Appium 2.0, our enhanced cross-browser testing experience, and more.


February is a big month. You’ve got Groundhog Day, National Pizza Day, Valentine’s Day… and a chocolate box full of sweet announcements from your favorite automation geeks at Sauce Labs.

So without further ado, here they are…

Speed Updating > Speed Dating

Announcing a new Sauce for 2023!

Sauce Labs is excited to share a new brand identity. Our evolution over the last few years called for a new look and feel to complement our expanding portfolio of tools for shipping high-quality code. 

We built this brand with you in mind - the people who create and test code. Our new brand direction tells the story of how we’re taking on testing every day to make sure it’s your biggest advantage, rather than your biggest bottleneck.

Learn more about our new look and feel in this blog post.

Migrate to Appium 2.0 on Sauce Labs

The latest Appium 2.0 beta version is now available in the Sauce Labs Real Device Cloud

Try Appium 2.0 if you want to save testing time while ensuring the quality of your mobile apps. Check out our Appium 2.0 migration guide to get started today! 

Announcing an enhanced cross-browser testing experience on Windows

We’re excited to announce the Sauce Labs Next Generation Windows Cloud, a scalable and dynamic solution for live and automated cross-browser testing to help you ship high-quality code faster. Read the blog to learn more!

New beta program: enroll now to boost testing speed on Linux OS!

We’re launching a beta program for Linux VMs, a Lite Compute option that provides faster feedback and testing speed than Windows VMs (10% faster on Firefox, 40% on Chrome, and 50% faster than non-headless in Windows 10).

Sign up today to see how you can save costs and reduce overhead white making testing more efficient! 

New Features are Our Love Language

Now available:

“Bug Bash” Results Are In!

Sauce Labs' mobile test automation team recently held a “Bug Bash” session to fix issues that our customers helped us identify. We resolved issues related to the following:

  • Appium test visibility

  • Device orientation issue

  • XCUITest error status 

  • Starting existing apps with Appium

  • Annotating to debug RDC tests  

Cheers to you (and a more seamless testing experience)!

The Test Automation Experience: Page Objects and Frameworks

In the latest episode of The Test Automation Experience on YouTube, Titus Fortner and Nikolay Advolodkin discuss implementing a good page object pattern, frameworks, automation best practices, and much more!

Our Favorite Blogs, Tied Up with String:  

Next time you’re scrolling on your stretch break, check out what we’re saying on LinkedIn and Twitter

See you in March!

Feb 24, 2023
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