A New Sauce for 2023
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Posted February 21, 2023

A New Sauce for 2023

Sauce Labs has a new brand identity, and it’s a BIG change. Learn more in this blog post.


Today, Sauce Labs revealed a new brand identity, and it’s a BIG change. 

The company has undergone quite a transition in the last few years, expanding our portfolio of tools to make it fast and easy to test, iterate and accelerate the delivery of high-quality code. It was time for a new look and feel.

We built this brand with our favorite people in mind -the people who create code and need to test code. And they have never been under so much pressure to meet customer expectations for instant, intuitive, entertaining experiences that require hundreds or even thousands of software releases every year. 

Testing that code, iterating and then prioritizing errors in production has become a necessary headache for many teams. However, we believe that testing does not have to be a bottleneck. Sauce Labs has developed a new way to test and we like to think our new brand direction tells a little of that story.

Our new logo has shifted from red to green. And it’s exactly what we do for our customers - we help to accelerate code through the testing process by helping you access the right test, at the right time, and on the right device. The green for go feels more appropriate to today’s need for fast high-quality releases.

We also evolved our logo from a red lightning bolt to an interlocking cube. Some say it looks like a lock to demonstrate the security of our platforms (the most secure on the market), others say the animation looks like a device screen, some say it looks like the [set of] syntax used in code, and still others say it looks like a chain to reflect our vision for a DevOps Test Toolchain that can link signals from multiple tests across the SDLC. Whatever it reminds you of, we are happy to move on from the ‘eighties rock band feel.

We have also dramatically updated our color palette and iconography. We needed flexibility and consistency, and something a little more fun than we had before. We’re not robots, we’re behind the scenes doing the same as you - creating code, innovating, collaborating with colleagues and being the best we can be.

Talking of robots,  much like the adventurous time lords from Gallifrey, it was time for the OG Sauce Bot to regenerate. In this transformation, they came back green and lean, and ready to take on the next generation of challenges facing our customers.

We’ve also built our new brand to WCAG AA standards for accessibility, making it easier for everyone to read and use. We focused on our users' experiences and challenges to redefine Sauce Labs as the company that empowers teams to create and accelerate the delivery of high-quality code. 

We are excited to share this next step on our journey with you! Let us know what you think!

Feb 21, 2023
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