Android Cloud Emulator
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Posted April 7, 2020

Android Cloud Emulator


Simplify your Testing Using Our Android Cloud Emulator

Android is everywhere and yet there is no one version that is standard. Sure, there are phones and tablets, but each manufacturer makes a slightly different size and resolution, and you can never be sure just what version of Android is on each device. How do you ensure your app or site is going to work on each of them without buying and testing on all of them?

Well, first, where are you going to put them? Your desk isn't nearly big enough, and that room with all the QA computers is getting pretty full, with wires everywhere. And even if you could buy and hook up all the devices out there today, there'll be seven new ones tomorrow. It's a losing battle.

Sauce Labs is here to help you win it. Using our testing cloud you can test on emulators and a long and ever-growing list of Android devices without ever having to plug in, charge, and wrestle with a single one. Look at each one individually using our manual testing tools, or take it to the next level and automate your testing for the true CI/CD methodology.

With Sauce Labs you get

  • Scale - over 800+ OSes, browsers, mobile emulators and real devices to test on

  • Speed - we spin up a fresh, new VM in seconds for every test so you can run tests automatically and accelerate your testing by 10x

  • Real devices - we have a deep selection of Android and iOS devices so you can test on as many as you need with no waiting and no reservations needed

Apr 7, 2020
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