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Posted April 7, 2021

Testing on Mobile Devices with Location Services

During this webinar we look into location services on Android and iOS real devices, as well as emulators and simulators.

This is someone using a phone
Testing on Mobile Devices with Location Services

Can I change my mobile location during testing?

Why do I need to change my location?

What is the difference between GPS and Geo-IP?

Do the Location Services behave the same way on Android and iOS?

How do I handle location permission alert pop-ups?

How should I automate tests that involve location services using Appium commands?

If you need answers to questions like these, then please view our webinar: Testing on Mobile Devices with Location Services.

During this webinar we look into location services on Android and iOS real devices, as well as emulators and simulators.

We provide you with tips and tricks on when to change the mobile Geo-IP and when to change the mobile GPS, how to use ADB commands to enable the device location, and how to handle the location services permission alerts. We also discuss Appium capabilities for Location Services, using GeoLocation with Appium Desktop, and more.

Key takeaways:

  • Understand what Location Services are

  • Understand GPS compare to Geo-IP

  • Know the Appium commands for Location Services

  • The differences in the use of Location Services between Android and iOS

  • Learn how to automate tests that involve Location Services

About the Speakers

Eyal Yovel photo

Eyal Yovel


Eyal Yovel has more than 15 years of experience in software development and test automation. He works tirelessly with organizations across EMEA and the US to help them improve their testing practices.

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Apr 7, 2021
Webinar Date:
Apr 7 11:00AM (UTC+00:00)
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