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Posted October 4, 2023

Hot Sauce Releases October 2023

See what's new at Sauce Labs!


What's New at Sauce Labs

Tired of dealing with software glitches that are not only a headache to fix but also drive your customers away? In fact, research shows that 92% of customers* will abandon your brand after just two bad experiences, such as app crashes or software bugs.

That is where Sauce Labs comes in! With over 15 years of industry-leading expertise in test strategy and execution, we're your trusted partner in delivering high-quality software.

Join us for this edition of Hot Sauce Releases where we highlight our latest launches that will help you embrace a continuous testing strategy to enhance efficiency, accelerate engineering velocity, and improve application reliability.

We’ll show you how you can use Sauce Labs newest features to:

  • Enhance your software quality to stay competitive, retain customer loyalty, and protect your revenue base

  • Embrace continuous testing across teams like Development, QA, Product and more

  • Scale your testing strategy with the world's best test infrastructure

Hot Sauce Releases - October 2023 Recap

Ready to accelerate testing and go to market faster?


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