The Sauce Partner Program Has Officially Landed
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Posted November 21, 2011

The Sauce Partner Program Has Officially Landed


Sauce’s customer community know us well for our role and enthusiasm in expanding the use of Selenium amongst agile teams big and small. But we’re a young company ourselves and not everyone is aware of us yet. And even among those who do—and might want to use our services—there’s often a need for expertise, capabilities and services that Sauce Labs doesn’t now (or have plans to) offer. So we’re turning to our neighbor communities of facilitators and implementers to:

  • Make it easier to connect customers to service providers and vice versa

  • Expand the use cases of Sauce’s browser cloud service and

  • Show our appreciation for community cooperation in a concrete way

We're excited to announce the formation of the Sauce Partner program. The program aims to support testing consultants, QA companies, and OEMs by providing infrastructure integrations, demo accounts, commissions, and more, as they enable software development teams to ship quality code faster using Selenium and the Sauce Selenium infrastructure. The Sauce Partners program contains three different initiatives to cover the full breadth of needs in our expanding community. Read on to find out which one is right for you.

Authorized Partners

Authorized Partners are expertise centers for Selenium and/or Sauce who handle most, if not all, of the end-to-end QA process. This could include test script creation, test maintenance, Selenium implementation, QTP to Selenium training, etc. At Sauce, we get a number of people who write in saying they want to use our service, but only have manual test cases and need a company to write scripts for them. Or they need individualized help implementing Selenium and Sauce Labs. Since we don't currently support this ourselves, we're looking for 1-2 companies highly skilled in Selenium and Sauce who will benefit from some brand-name customer referrals. Requirements are that you pass an annual qualification demo and also pay a fee. In addition to the customer referrals, we'll list you on our website as an authorized partner and also kick back commissions based on sales volume brought in.

Sauce Maître' D

We designed the Sauce Maître' D program for individual agile coaches or testing consultancies that help companies implement automation infrastructure, transition manual test practices to automated ones, adopt Selenium, implement Sauce, and more. The Sauce Maître' D program is free to participant and includes an unlimited demo account for your consulting demonstration purposes. We'll issue you a promo code to share with your clients that want to use Sauce. Your clients benefit in that your promo code entitles them to a 5% discount off Sauce’s published price schedule. On a quarterly basis we'll send you a 10% commission based on the aggregate spending of customers entering your promo code. Simply enroll here, and we'll set you up.

Sauce OEM

Sauce Labs built the world’s first public browser cloud to meet the needs of agile shops using Selenium to go fast safely. But now we’re being increasingly approached by OEMs looking to use our browser cloud for applications beyond Selenium and beyond functional testing (such as Security threat injection, deep web data mining, etc.). So we created the Sauce OEM program to serve the needs of these emerging use cases in addition to those organizations wishing to private-label Sauce’s Selenium service for use with their own customers.

We want to hear from you!

To learn more about and to join any one of these programs, please visit our partner page and register. Or, email us directly at We look forward to partnering with you!

Nov 21, 2011
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