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Posted June 23, 2015

Test Automation Newbie? Robot Framework Will Save the Day!

In this webinar, Bryan reveals how you can use this powerful, free, open source, generic framework to create continuous automated regression tests for web, batch, API, or database testing.

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Test Automation Newbie? Robot Framework Will Save the Day!

You're a tester on an Agile development team. You're drowning in regression tests and limiting your team's velocity. You know you need to automate those tests, ideally on multiple browsers. You know you can't do it without a test automation framework.

If you’re responsible for creating diverse, scalable automated tests but don’t have the time, budget, or a skilled-enough team to create yet another custom test automation framework, then you need to know about Robot Framework!

You'll also discover a variety of pre-built libraries that will simplify your work, its easy to read reports & logs, and even how to integrate your automated tests into a Jenkins build & deployment pipeline. Don't wait any longer to get into test automation. Robot Framework + is a game changer!

You'll get a clear introduction to Robot Framework including:

  • Where to find it

  • How to install it

  • How to create automated test cases using plain English keywords

  • How to run your test cases locally or on the Sauce Labs platform

Jun 23, 2015
Webinar Date:
Jun 23 7:00AM (UTC+00:00)
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