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Posted September 13, 2016

Automating Functional and Performance Tests in Jenkins CI Environments

Sauce Labs and BlazeMeter recently teamed up for a webinar to introduce front-end and backend testing using open source tools like Selenium and JMeter.

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Automating Functional and Performance Tests in Jenkins CI Environments

As a follow-up, we are now partnering on a second, more advanced webinar, that will focus on continuous testing and test automation in Jenkins continuous integration environments.

Timed to coincide with next week's Jenkins World conference, the webinar will look at how to automate both functional and performance testing for every new build and commit in your deployment process.

In this webinar we'll cover:

  • Quality Automation - being able to get value out of automation

  • Automated Thresholds/Failure - setting up failure criteria before a test

  • Leveraging CI to Trigger Testing - utilizing tools already in place to run tests

Sep 13, 2016
Webinar Date:
Sep 13 7:00AM (UTC+00:00)
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