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Posted March 13, 2017

New! Appium Desktop


The Appium team has been hard at work on something we think the Appium users out there will love. It's a brand new app for Mac, Windows, and Linux called "Appium Desktop": the successor to the old and Appium.exe. Appium Desktop is a graphical frontend for running an Appium server and starting sessions to inspect your applications.

One of the greatest new features of Appium Desktop is the ability to run Inspector sessions on Sauce Labs and TestObject. Simply enter in your Sauce Labs or TestObject credentials, set up the desired capabilities for your test appropriately, and you'll be able to drive your app remotely using Appium Desktop. Do you develop on Windows but want access to inspect your app on an iOS simulator? Or want to inspect your app on a real Android device you don't have locally? Appium Desktop's cloud support is a great way to get going.

Appium Desktop has just been released in an initial beta phase, so you'll need to head to the GitHub release page for it to download a binary appropriate for your desktop platform. Check out for the full walkthrough, screenshots, and download links. I'll also be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, March 29th to discuss Appium Desktop and run through a demo - register here.

As always, happy testing!

Mar 13, 2017
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