

One platform for API testing and quality

Making API testing more scalable and insight-driven for CI/CD, API-first and microservices success


API testing, monitoring, and insights

Ensure API quality at every stage of development with early, usable feedback. Mock APIs. Debug quickly. Boost API performance.

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Functional API testing and monitoring

Transform functional testing, business logic testing, and dynamic data-driven testing with API test automation. Achieve massive test scalability and speed. Automate via an onboard test scheduler or connect to any CI/CD platform. Debug in Sauce Labs or connect to any notifications and event management solution such as PagerDuty.

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Integration testing

API integration testing with Sauce Labs is very fast. Easily chain together functional tests into integration tests that accurately validate real user behavior almost immediately. As a platform, Sauce Labs allows you to collaborate on integration tests with other teams easily. Or you can reuse other tests, variables, snippets and environments to streamline end-to-end validations.

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Contract testing with mocking

Developers increasingly depend on specification files to define their API program. Sauce Labs allows developers to import OpenAPI spec files to generate contract tests to validate API producer and consumer transactions for compliance with the spec file. With Sauce Labs, it's easy to start with a contract test and extend that test to also include functional elements.

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Load testing & API benchmarking

Reuse functional tests as load tests during development to understand API performance before production. Commit iterative updates with high confidence. Raise the bar on SLA performance.

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How Broadridge Financial Solutions scaled test automation and monitoring for microservices with Sauce API Quality

"Sauce Labs API testing platform is the backbone of Broadridge's automated testing strategy." – Craig Taylor, Sr. QA Director, Broadridge Financial Solutions


API testing resources

Resources to help you get started and learn more about API testing.

Ready to see how a unified testing platform can help your organization?


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