
Support Policy: Severity Levels



  • No automated tests can be run

  • The Sauce Labs web site is unavailable

  • The Sauce Labs REST API is unavailable

  • Manual testing is unavailable

  • All uploads to Sauce Storage are failing (for all customers)

  • A Sauce Labs problem that is completely blocking a customer from releasing a new version of their web site or mobile application. All of the following must be true:

A problem getting something to work for the first time cannot be Severity 1.


  • Urgent issue that does not qualify as Severity 1

  • Automated testing (for existing test suite) severely impacted

  • Significantly degraded performance for web site, manual testing

  • If you have a problem that is preventing you from meeting a deadline to get Sauce Labs up and running for the first time, you may classify it as a Severity 2, and we’ll do our best to resolve it quickly. However, Sauce Labs has some discretion to re-classify as Severity 3.


  • Problems with initial setup of CI / test runner / tests (trying to get things to work for the first time)

  • Questions about Sauce Labs functionality

  • User account and billing requests

  • Most other problems:

  • Intermittent test failures

  • Tests are running more slowly than they used to

  • Higher failure rate on a particular platform

  • Customer's mobile app crashes during tests

  • Anything else that does not qualify as Severity 1, 2, or 4


  • Documentation issues

  • Minor bugs, including cosmetic bugs

  • Requests for assistance with Selenium, third party tools / frameworks (Sauce Labs does not officially provide support for this, but we will try to point you in the right direction)

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