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Posted September 12, 2022

Beyond Uptime: API Performance and Load Testing

In the Every Experience Matters survey report from Sauce Labs, 53% of respondents would uninstall a mobile app if it froze or crashed. Long load times (58%) were cited as one of the top reasons to abandon an app. With mobile app and API performance top-of-mind at most companies, why do development, testing and SRE teams continue to trust in traditional stress/load tests and uptime or synthetic monitors that provide only a false sense of security about performance in the real world?

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Beyond Uptime: API Performance and Load Testing

Sauce Labs introduces a breakthrough approach to API load and performance testing that isolates your software components and checks their performance in real world scenarios before going live. By reusing API functional tests as functional load tests that can run in any environment as monitors (continuous tests), the Sauce Labs approach ensures that your load and performance tests capture instant feedback that is highly usable for fast debugging while significantly reducing false-negatives and false-positives.  Julian Vargas, Managing Engineer for Sauce Labs API Testing, hosts the webinar and showcases how Sauce Labs built API load and performance testing from the ground up for shift-left performance testing that can be created with a wide range of workflow options–depending on preferences–from scriptless test creation (in the Sauce Labs Test Composer) to auto-generation of tests from OpenAPI-driven contract tests. OpenAPI specs, .HAR files, Postman Collections, Sauce Labs RDC/VDC jobs and more. During the webinar, we cover: 

  • The testing speed, scalability and debugging benefits of using API functional tests as functional load and performance tests

  • How to shift performance testing left with API functional load testing on the Sauce Labs platform

  • Ensuring API load and performance tests run synchronously with any number of virtual users–and are optimized for almost every browser and device

  • Starting API load and performance tests without waiting for server allocation

About the Speakers

Julian Vargas

Julian Vargas


Julian Vargas is the Engineering Manager of Sauce Labs API Testing and Quality Platform. At Sauce Labs, Julian brings progress-driven leadership and an extensive background in software delivery plus project management applying agile methodologies. As a full-stack developer for over a decade, Julian understands how important it is to build systems that scale and deliver value to end customers.

Sep 12, 2022
Webinar Date:
Sep 7 4:00AM (UTC+00:00)
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