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Posted October 29, 2010

Fancy a Pint? Sauce Labs visiting London


I'll be in London Tuesday, November 2 through Sunday, November 7 for these Selenium and/or Testing-related events:

Wednesday, Nov 3 - Selenium London meetup at Google. I look forward to reconnecting with all the London-based Selenium committers (there's quite a few, now), and hanging out with users (aka "future committers"), too!

Thursday, Nov 4 - Speaking at London Software Craftsmanship Meetup Topic title: "Painless product demos & how to test 'untestable'applications" At this meetup, I'll show effective ways to test bleeding-edge apps that use HTML5 tags like <canvas> and <video>, like the one shown in this video.

Friday, Nov 5 to Saturday, Nov 6 - Attending CITCON London - CITCON is an open space "unconference" -- the agenda of talks won't get planned until Friday night -- by the attendees! So I may or may not be speaking on test automation with Selenium, cloud computing, and mobile testing. But I plan to!

During the day, though, my schedule is flexible. If you're in London and use Selenium at work, I'd love to stop by and chat. Send an email to hugs at saucelabs dot com. Or find me on twitter: @hugs.


Oct 29, 2010
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